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John Hui on Magical Mornings: UnitePod- A Leading Podcast in MENA region

Writer's picture: Erica FlynnErica Flynn

In this episode of Magical Mornings, we featured John Hui; a London based artist whose art works makes an effort to convey an uncanisons of beauty that challenges social archetypes. His latest project includes Law of Publication that is centered on sharing stories, thoughts and art that are related to are most innate human connections such as love pain and compassion in an effort to empowers others.

Here’s the interview of John Hui with UnitePod.

Q. Would you like to share briefly about your journey as an artist so far?

John: My journey has been really weird. I think with my art, I let my work to take me to different places. When I was studying, I just thought that I would be copying pictures and try to make it photo realistic as possible. But after art school, I thought I didn’t want to that anymore. I really just want to work to bring me to places. I think that this way the work has more to say. Also as I am not controlling everything I am doing, the work has more depth and sometimes it would just surprise me because I would not know what I was trying to do and then realize by people saying that my work reminds them of this and that. It just took me to different places and I just got inspired by previous work that I have made that I could not have had before.

Q. What are some other things you are involved in right now?

John: There are so many things going on in this moment. I am trying to build my website. I am trying to build my own shop. I am getting some commissioned done. And also I have started blogs just writing about my stories and other people stories. And I feel like it’s really took me to places. It contextualizes my work. It contextualizes my planning stage of each work I am doing. And I generally think that I have more of a message. I think I am more of a form of restrictions to what I am suppose to do which could be good or bad in some way or the other. So far I have found it very hopeful because I have a mind on what I want to achieve and I would do everything I could to go towards one direction and be focused on one thing. I think that’s a good thing to have.

Q. What are the best resources that helped you along the way?

John: The best resource for me at the moment is You Tube. I watch a lot of tutorial videos not just of techniques but also about business bidding and how to start business online. It is very hard because I don’t really have anybody who knows anything about this. So I have to do it myself. I am trying to rush it. I am trying to have patience and try to find my own way to do it. And hopefully I can find the best way and have an audience before I make a huge investment. I think it’s always better to be safe than just to dive head on and do things that you may regret in the future.

Q. How do you plan to start with any kind of portraits that you do?

John: I think prior to this month or prior to me creating this blog I have, I would just ask people who follow me and my friends, if I see that they have any interesting pictures, the pictures that speak to me, then I would probably paint them. I didn’t have that much of criteria to judge against. But now with my blog, I just tend to talk to people who rigged it, who has been ticking in the information and having responded with the reason I am working on them. Right now I am working on this woman named Sandra from Spain. She suffers from really terrible diseases that cause her burn to deteriorate. My work is really about pain now. I think it’s about celebrating the pain and just letting myself out and talking about pain without feeling gust and I think we need a community that understands that and where we can share these feelings without seeming weak. I think we need to share all these stories about ourselves and help each other heal. It just makes us feel learned. I suffered from this a lot especially during quarantine. A lot of people feel that way. I just really want to exploit or use Instagram as a way to really connect with people. I feel like at this day or at this period of time, it’s really hard to create a connection with people. I think by creating art, by creating this blog, I am achieving something. And I feel that this is just a beginning.

Q. Going back to your art pieces, could you explain to our listeners that magical golden, that magic that made us touched that you add to them?

John: I think it’s the saying that the gold shines through the dark colours we apply in the paintings. I think there can be many interpretations. But for me at the moment, it is about how I show the beauty, how I show grace, how I show the unexpected happiness that comes out from darkness or pain orb someone’s depression. I think when I make the work; I just bear that in mind. So let’s say that I am working on Sandra, I have these clouds that surround the face which is painted black and some gold. I think it’s kind of a metaphor for us to saying that if you look hard enough into darkness you will see the light.

Q. If you could step into my shoes for a moment, what would you ask yourself that I haven’t yet?

John: That’s a really cool question. That’s a question which people don’t really ask. I think what I would have asked myself would be how I am feeling about doing art. I think its super dodging at the moment because I have some worry about personal Instagram, making money, worry about if it’s a sustainable business or not. I wonder about if this is a business at all. I like to think that but when it comes to lego terms, I don’t know if it is. It’s scary because not many people do it. And I think that I am on this journey on my own but at the same time I call through life like this with many things that I have to create my own path. I think to be an artist is really a great thing t do because the nature of art is for you to create your own path for what you do. And it’s really exciting. I love everyday to create things and be amazed with the stuff that comes out I didn’t even plan and it turns out this way. And then I try more of this and then I am like that oh wow this is surprising and at that moment I would be like I don’t care for this. But it’s the journey that is so fascinating. It’s painful to paint till 7 A.M. in the morning. I have no idea how time flies when I am working but I enjoy the process. I think that’s really important that you enjoy the process. And when you don’t know where you are headed, time flies and it gets easier for me.

Q. Can you recall an incident that happened to be a turning point or taught you something that you would like to share as a piece of advice for our wonderful listeners?

John: Yes, many things happened in the last couple of months that defines who I am as an artist and also as a person. But the biggest turning point has been the blog which I have written time after time. For me, it really gave me a sense of purpose. It gave me a reason to why I am creating art and why I am surviving and living in this world and on this earth. I feel like I am on the same page with work and life. I feel like I have always been like a person who always tell hoe it is about things, how the world is and how I see the world and when there is injustice I would raise my hand and be like this people shouldn’t be treated this way, I shouldn’t be treated this way. And I feel like I really need to talk about mental health or willing to talk about equality. That has been the turning point for me to truly see that in my work and in myself and earning it and not feeling ashamed in telling people and feel cool to think like this. I think that this is the best way I could give to anyone.

Q. So finally, what message do you have for our listeners right now?

John: So if you want to do art and want a full time career in art world, I think one of the best questions to ask yourself would be if I am not allowed to create anymore or to do art anymore, would I rather die, would I not have any purpose in life. And if the answer is yes then you should do it. I spend 24 hours a day 7 days a week to work on my craft. I think about it every second. Even when I am tired and exhausted even when I am with my friends that’s the only thing in my mind. And if that is not the case for you, maybe it’s not the best option. There are definitely other ways besides thinking like that. But this kind of thinking has helped me to be focused and stay motivated and passionate. I think that’s really important that you have these qualities before we make a big decision into joining the art world.

Q. Where can our listeners connect with you online?

John: I hope I can be helpful. I can be reached on Instagram. My handle is @johnhuiartdesign. I am renewing my website and creating a new online store so be sure to check that out. It should be launching in one or two week but that’s still to be confirmed. If you want the latest information, go to my Instagram and I will see you there.

Thank you so much for joining with us today. You were absolutely amazing. Your words were just so inspiring and motivating for all of our artist out there. And the things you are doing with your blog, they really leave me in awe and it’s so needed to spread awareness like you were talking about. And I can’t to wait to see the other things that you have in store.

John: Thank you so much. I am so happy, honored and privileged to be able to speak to you guys.

That’s a wrap of another episode of Magical Mornings featuring John Hui who rose to fame with his Adobe Photoshop and illustrator skills.

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